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2015 Edition CHPL Trivia

ONC had initially planned on releasing their rule updating their certification program regarding the implementation of the 21st Century Cures act in April, but it has now been delayed to September. For those who were not aware of it, here is what the abstract currently states:

The rulemaking would update the ONC Health IT Certification Program (Program) by implementing certain provisions of the 21st Century Cures Act, including conditions and maintenance of certification requirements for health information technology (IT) developers, the voluntary certification of health IT for use by pediatric healthcare providers, health information network voluntary attestation to the adoption of a trusted exchange framework and common agreement in support of network-to-network exchange, and reasonable and necessary activities that do not constitute information blocking. The rulemaking would also modify the Program through other complementary means to advance health IT certification and interoperability.

With the delay in the ONC rule, it is currently a little slow in the HIT regulatory space. For health IT wonks, we have a little 2015 Edition CHPL trivia below to kick off your summer.

For reference, these numbers are accurate as of May 18th and only pertain to 2015 Edition certification. It only looks at Active certification and ignores those Withdrawn by the developer or ACB. Also, the term "unique product" excludes multiple versions of the same product (e.g., Acme EHR vs 1.0 and Acme EHR vs 1.1 counts as 1 unique product certification).

1.) How many active unique product 2015 Edition certifications are there? A) Less than 200, B) 201-275, C) 276-350, D) Over 350

2.) What is Drummond Group’s market share of active unique product certifications among ONC-ACBs? A) 50%-60%, B) 60%-70%, C) 70%-80%, D) Over 80%

3.) Which company has the most active certifications (including multiple versions of the same product)? A) Allscripts, B) Cerner, C) Epic, D) MEDITECH

4.) What criteria has been certified the least? A) B.7 – Data Segmentations for Privacy – Send B) C.4 – CQM Filter C) F.5 - Electronic Case Reporting D) F.6 – Antimicrobial Use and Resistance

5.) How many HISPs/HIEs are certified (certified in criteria H.2 and primarily used as a HISP/HIE)? A) 7, B) 11, C) 14, D) 17

Answers below





1.) C) 276-350. We are now at 302 unique product certifications at just past the 2-year mark of the 2015 Edition launch. For comparison, 2014 Edition had near 1000 unique products certified by its 2-year mark.

2.) C) 70%-80%. Drummond currently has 77% of the market. A notable amount are those which have recently transferred from ICSA, but Drummond has been around 70% since the launch of 2015 Edition. Infogard is next with 11%, ICSA with 9%, and SLI Global with 2%.

3.) D) MEDITECH with 30 active certifications. Next is Allscripts with 22, followed by Cerner with 17, and finally Epic with 11.

4.) C.) F.5 - Electronic Case Reporting with 9 certifications. It makes sense given that was the last of the ONC test procedures to be approved due to some delays and has been approved for less than a year. B.7 has 25 certifications, F.6 with 27, and then C.4 with 54.

5.) B) 11: DataMotion, EMR Direct, Inpriva, MedAllies, Medicity, Mirth Mail, MaxMD, RosettaHealth, Secure Exchange Solutions, Surescripts Direct Messaging, and UpDox. Two other system are certified in h.2, but I don’t consider CareEvolution HIEBus (data aggregator) and Health Companion (patient portal) as primarily a HISP.

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